The International Mobility for Employment (IME) program offers students the opportunity to immerse themselves in a new culture, engage with locals, and gain professional English language skills. It aims to overcome the difficulty of students to choose their career and to cope with the high unemployment rate of France.

By creating a safe environment for participants to explore their potential and immerse themselves in a field, they are essentially trying to test a career before choosing one. Because the program brings students abroad for a real-world career experience, it instills a global mindset and offers the opportunity to build an international network. As a result, IME participants increase their employability and emerge from the program with the confidence and skills needed to achieve their dreams.


Students begin the three-month program by learning the fundamentals of today’s global business world with engaging courses in international business, entrepreneurship and English.

After their fifth week, if their schedules allow, students can also add courses in the field of their choice. The options cover a wide range of topics, such as finance, marketing, human resources, psychology, film, art, science, journalism and more.

Business Visits

Each week, students can take a behind-the-scenes look at a top-notch organization and interact directly with CEOs and managers through in-depth business visits.

By examining different processes, structures and cultures week after week, students improve their analytical skills and develop a valuable tool for judging the effectiveness of organizations. These visits are also an opportunity to develop personal networks and to communicate with important members of the American business community and many others.


One of the main strengths of the program is its short-term project-based immersion. After intensive professional guidance with their counselors, students will be paired with projects in their area of interest, based on seasonal availability. This type of internship allows students to apply what they have learned in class and explore their full potential in a safe and comfortable environment. Students can develop their international network, acquire vital professional skills, build know-how, and significantly improve their English language skills.
Students work closely with counselors to identify careers that match their strengths, skills and interests. Group and individual activities, Q & A sessions with experts, and mock interviews with human resources experts give students a solid foundation for exploring their careers.


Housing • Local transportation • Transfer to and from the airport • Short term immersion in the field of study • Course material (books, documents, materials) • Access to the University’s online resources • Access to campus facilities (gym, library, digital room, media lab) • Educational fees


Administrative Expenses (Visa and Other) • Personal Expenses • Insurance • Meals (to be determined) • Personal Travel • Home Security Deposit

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