Basic Drilling & Riveting

From marking of the holes to drilling and riveting, this course teaches how to install and inspect rivets in an aircraft assembly or structure. In this course, you’ll learn how to recognize fastener location and identification information on an engineering drawing, you’ll be able to explain where to find the tools, fasteners, and other supplies...
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A power tool is a tool that is actuated by an additional power source and mechanism other than the solely manual labor used with hand tools. In this course you’ll learn to describe the components of a drill motor, to describe how different speeds and amounts of pressure affect the quality of a hole, to...
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Before the fasteners can be installed in this assembly, the assembly must be constructed and the holes prepared. In this course, you’ll learn Recognize fastener location and identification information on an engineering drawing, you’ll learn to explain where to find the tools, fasteners, and other supplies needed to create the assembly, you’ll learn how to...
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Sealing the surfaces of an airplane is vital to maintaining the aerodynamics of the airplane, preventing cabin pressure loss, inhibiting corrosion, and providing leak-proof fuel tanks. In this course, you’ll learn the solvents and sealants used in the construction of an airplane, You’ll know the steps necessary to correctly apply solvents to a surface that...
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Electricity is used in almost every system on an airplane. The flow of electricity must be managed properly through the airplane structure. In this course you’ll learn how to measure values and being able to convert them to other units of measure, you will learn how to avoid potential danger when testing resistance, you’ll learn...
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Finding a job usually isn’t as easy as walking into a local business and asking for work. Doing some upfront work before you start your job search can pay off in more than one way. In this course, you’ll discover everything you need to know to prepare finding a job and turn it into a...
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Composites manufacturing facilities are organized in different areas. In this course, you’ll learn how to identify different classifications of manufacturing facility layouts, you’ll be able to list methods of separating controlled contamination areas from non controlled areas, you’ll be able to list items typically found in the layup area, and you’ll learn proper layout and...
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Conflict resolution is conceptualized as the methods and processes involved in facilitating the peaceful ending of conflict and retribution. Committed group members attempt to resolve group conflicts by actively communicating information about their conflicting motives or ideologies to the rest of group (e.g., intentions; reasons for holding certain beliefs) and by engaging in collective negotiation....
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Geometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the measurement, properties, and relationships of lines, triangles, circles, and other geometric shapes. This course introduces you to the study of geometry. In this course you’ll learn to identify the contribution of Euclid to modern geometry, you’ll learn how to use the calculator, you’ll understand angles,...
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